12 research outputs found

    Sistemas de seguridad en un hotel

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    El objetivo fundamental del proyecto es diseñar un sistema de instalaciones para la seguridad de los ocupantes, compuesto por una serie de equipos e instalaciones para evitar daños a los ocupantes, intentar la no propagación del fuego en el sector afectado, reducir la perdida de bienes materiales y facilitar operaciones de rescate y extinción. El proyecto de fin de carrera está estructurado en cuatro capítulos, que se describen a continuación: - Memoria, en primer lugar se realiza una introducción sobre las características de las instalaciones principales y de los equipos. En segundo lugar se presentan las condiciones iniciales de partida impuestas por la sociedad promotora del hotel y por la normativa aplicable, acompañado de una pequeña descripción del edificio. A continuación de este punto se describen las condiciones de seguridad contempladas para el diseño del sistema, explicando seguidamente los criterios utilizados aplicados según las normativas vigentes. Finalmente, se detallan los procedimientos de cálculos teóricos para el dimensionamiento y la previsión de equipos. Los resultados de estos cálculos se aportan en el correspondiente anexo. Por último se presentan las conclusiones principales derivadas de la selección del diseño que se ha proyectado. - Pliego de Condiciones, en este capítulo se describen las características técnicas que los equipos electrónicos utilizados deben satisfacer. Para el proyecto de aplicación de este proyecto fin de carrera, el instalador podrá utilizar los equipos presentados en el pliego u otro de similares características. - Presupuesto, en dicho capítulo se ha tomado como importe de partida el precio de compra que obtiene el instalador, acompañado de la mano de obra. El importe resultante se multiplica por un coeficiente que refleja el beneficio para la empresa. - Planos, en este capítulo se lleva a cabo los criterios de diseño reflejándolo en papel.Ingeniería Industria

    A review of energy efficiency label of street lighting systems

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    There are very few countries that have provisions addressing the energy efficiency of the whole street lighting system, such as Spain or the Netherlands. Nevertheless, there is not an agreement about how energy efficiency must be assessed. The Spanish Government contemplates it in the Royal Decree 1890/2008 with the goal of improving energy savings and efficiency. However, this has not obtained the expected results. Nowadays, energy efficiency of this kind of systems is assessed using a label. In the case of Spain, this label only assesses one magnitude. The contributions of this paper are two evaluation systems (kiviat diagram and pie chart) which assess five magnitudes: lamps, energy efficiency index, light pollution, renewable energy contribution, and harness of the luminous flux using dimming. After that, a survey was done to study several subjects: (1) if citizens are aware about the efficiency of street lighting systems, (2) whether the sample of colors used in the label is adequate, and (3) if our proposed systems could replace the current evaluation system. Finally, the paper finishes with the conclusions of the survey

    The Management of Clinical Incidents in ICT Services Through Mobile Applications

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    Mobile environment has revolutionized the health field. This fact and the rise of mobile technology have led to improve processes of care. In this paper, we present a practical application of BSC (balance scorecard) for Management of clinical incidents in ICT services through mobile devices in health organization. The objective of building of system is to integrate with main system of organization, for management of critical incident in ICT department of hospital and health centre. To do this, we have analysed and evaluated of process to management of incident that allow us to show the management information of way practical and we have applicated a real case. Results suggest that the integration of Balanced Scorecard helps with decision-making tasks because they allow decreasing response times and improving company management. In conclusion, make users satisfaction grow, objective sought by health companie

    Framework for Development Triages through Mobile Applications

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    The emergency triage is being implemented due to the congestion of the emergency services, for several reasons, such as: easy access to the patient, demanding an immediate diagnostic an medical aid, prioritizing severely ill patients rather than patients with minor problems that make improper use of the emergency areas. The objective is building a system, integrated to the main system of health organization, for management of emergency triage. To do this, we have analysed and developed a system which allows us to evaluate patients through a mobile application. Results suggest that the integration of emergency triage to mobile application, helps to improve and optimize resource management and decrease the response time. In conclusion, this system optimizes the resources implemented as well as an increase of customer satisfaction

    The Gaia mission

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    Gaia is a cornerstone mission in the science programme of the EuropeanSpace Agency (ESA). The spacecraft construction was approved in 2006, following a study in which the original interferometric concept was changed to a direct-imaging approach. Both the spacecraft and the payload were built by European industry. The involvement of the scientific community focusses on data processing for which the international Gaia Data Processing and Analysis Consortium (DPAC) was selected in 2007. Gaia was launched on 19 December 2013 and arrived at its operating point, the second Lagrange point of the Sun-Earth-Moon system, a few weeks later. The commissioning of the spacecraft and payload was completed on 19 July 2014. The nominal five-year mission started with four weeks of special, ecliptic-pole scanning and subsequently transferred into full-sky scanning mode. We recall the scientific goals of Gaia and give a description of the as-built spacecraft that is currently (mid-2016) being operated to achieve these goals. We pay special attention to the payload module, the performance of which is closely related to the scientific performance of the mission. We provide a summary of the commissioning activities and findings, followed by a description of the routine operational mode. We summarise scientific performance estimates on the basis of in-orbit operations. Several intermediate Gaia data releases are planned and the data can be retrieved from the Gaia Archive, which is available through the Gaia home page. http://www.cosmos.esa.int/gai

    Particle swarm optimization for outdoor lighting design

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    Outdoor lighting is an essential service for modern life. However, the high influence of this type of facility on energy consumption makes it necessary to take extra care in the design phase. Therefore, this manuscript describes an algorithm to help light designers to get, in an easy way, the best configuration parameters and to improve energy efficiency, while ensuring a minimum level of overall uniformity. To make this possible, we used a particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm. These algorithms are well established, and are simple and effective to solve optimization problems. To take into account the most influential parameters on lighting and energy efficiency, 500 simulations were performed using DIALux software (, DIAL, Ludenscheid, Germany). Next, the relation between these parameters was studied using to data mining software. Subsequently, we conducted two experiments for setting parameters that enabled the best configuration algorithm in order to improve efficiency in the proposed process optimization

    Anestesiología : apuntes para el médico general

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    En su tercera edición, este libro mantiene su foco en las temáticas de la práctica de la Anestesia que son de utilidad para el médico general. Esta versión ha actualizado varios de los capítulos, cuyos conceptos serán fundamentales para lograr objetivos, tales como el manejo de la vía aérea, el abordaje para la evaluación y el tratamiento del dolor agudo, el manejo de la volemia en el perioperatorioy la valoración preanestésica, entre otros. Además, se han incluido nuevos capítulos con la participación de todo el equipo de profesores de Anestesiología de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana y el Hospital Universitario San Ignacio, entre los que se encuentran el manejo inicial de ritmos cardíacos anormales, reanimación cardiopulmonar en pediatría, la bioética de la reanimación cardiopulmonar, el abordaje del dolor crónico y los conceptos básicos de ultrasonido enfocado, por mencionar solamente algunos de ellos.Bogot

    Teachers' network and digital repository of educational resources: A history of contemporary capitalism I. The crisis of the liberal State and the first globalization through filmic, literary and aesthetic sources.

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    Se trata de crear un repositorio digital de apoyo a la docencia virtual, con contribuciones innovadoras en el empleo de fuentes artísticas y culturales para el estudio de la crisis del Estado liberal y de la primera globalización (1920-1930).This project aims to create a digital repository to support virtual teaching, with innovative contributions in the use of artistic and cultural sources for the study of the crisis of the liberal State and the first globalization (1920-1930).Depto. de Filosofía y SociedadFac. de FilosofíaFALSEUCMsubmitte